Sparv Embedded

Sparv Embedded is a Swedish company that specializes in the development of miniature embedded sensor electronics. Their miniature radiosonde, named Windsond, is revolutionizing meteorological research. The Windsond has been involved in a variety of research projects including the NASA's IMPACTS project, NOAA's TORUS, and many more. To read more about Sparv Embedded click here.


Windsond is the flagship product of the privately held company Sparv Embedded. Compared to the classic radiosondes, Windsonds do not require the assembly of stationary equipment which allows for mobility in the field. The project's data collection is centered around the Windsond, giving researchers the ability to remain safe by avoiding the tornado's path. Our first Corporate Patron, Sparv Embedded, has given those involved in TILTTING the opportunity to make new discoveries by providing their instrumentation to use for data collection.