Sponsors & Supporters

  • AccuWeather

    AccuWeather recognizes the importance of accuracy and timely warnings to prevent injury and save lives. This involves providing clear and true communication to the public, while continuing the mission of public safety. We have offered TILTTING a corporate sponsorship, as the data acquired through their research will continue and further enhance the success of our mission.

  • EPAWA Weather Consulting

    EPAWA's support comes with a virtual storm chasing experience! The newest addition to the EPAWA lineup is a live stream platform on YouTube that 'nowcasts' storms. This is a major addition for both EPAWA and the research project, as it allows people to get a virtual sense of storm chasing while understanding what is happening on the radar as well. Chief Meteorologist Bobby Martrich will be explaining model guidance, radar data, and different camera angles provided by the research team to fully comprehend both severe weather and the project itself.

  • WeatherWorks

    WeatherWorks understands the importance of continued education and advancement. We provide support to encourage employees to consistently further their knowledge and meteorological expertise through research and seminars. Additionally, client outreach and training, including presenting at numerous industry-related conferences around the country, is another avenue for WeatherWorks to enhance its goal of providing accurate meteorological information that ultimately promotes overall safety. We believe our sponsorship with TILTTING will continue this mission.

  • Premium Finance Brokerage

    Premium Finance Brokerage is keenly aware of the needs in our community. Our corporate initiative of supporting causes that impact the lives of others helps to create a stronger environment for people to prosper. By giving back, we strengthen and empower individuals who are less fortunate. By supporting Project TILTTING, we are helping to protect lives from one of nature's most violent forces - tornadoes - while also supporting the educational development of the students involved in the project.

  • Frank Coons - Retired USAF

    Read more about Mr. Coons, his career and his contribution to TILTTING by clicking the button below.

  • Millersville University CDRE

    This sponsorship will allow TILTTING to have the opportunity to conduct this study focused on the formation of tornadoes which has the potential to improve our formation mechanisms of these systems. This multi-faceted project has the potential to go on to collaborate with universities and governmental organizations while improving what is known about tornadoes. MU-CDRE's corporate sponsorship has given those involved in TILTTING the opportunity to make new discoveries as Millersville University undergraduate students.

  • Sparv Embedded

    Windsond is the flagship product of the privately held company Sparv Embedded. Compared to the classic radiosondes, Windsonds do not require the assembly of stationary equipment which allows for mobility in the field. The project's data collection is centered around the Windsond, giving researchers the ability to remain safe by avoiding the tornado's path. Our first Corporate Patron, Sparv Embedded, has given those involved in TILTTING the opportunity to make new discoveries by providing their instrumentation to use for data collection.